• Germany, 2008. With two days left on his mission, Elder Garn, his new companion, and four others find their lives crossing on the anniversary of Kristallnacht (the Night of Broken Glass). As they remember the past and look to the future, they decide which dreams to follow, and which to forget.

    So this show is an exploration of my Mormon faith and heritage, and is inspired by events I experienced during my time serving as a missionary in Germany and Austria from 2008-2010. Had quite a few experiences there that seem to be taking me a while to process. The first version of Paint My Eyes was produced at Brigham Young University way back when I was an undergrad there in 2014. I put it away for for about eight years, and in January of 2022, I decided to write a radically different draft. I’m really excited about the direction this is going and am working towards a concert version in NYC in Spring of 2023. It’s also super fun to now have Emily helping with the arranging and producing. This is a pic of a reading we did of the first 30 min. of the new draft in Spring 2022 at the Center for Latter Day Saint Arts.

  • Super excited to be co-creating a new, interactive ballet with Emily Erekson for Ballet West, to be directed by Ballet West Principal Artist Katlyn Addison. Looks like we’re going to have a workshop production in Salt Lake City in April of 2023, and will shoot for a full production in Spring 2024. More news to come!